Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Wanna Help Some Kids in Need?

A few months back, I was challenged by the Bill Hybels interview with Bono at Willow's Leadership Summit to make a difference in the AIDS pandemic that is currently happening in Africa. One of the tools that I got from this was a DVD called Hope and Action

I would highly recommend it to anyone who needs a catch up on the AIDS crisis.
Fast facts:
· 29.4 million people living with HIV/AIDS
· Approximately 3.5 million new infections in 2002
· An estimated 2.4 million deaths in 2002
· 10 million young people (aged 15–24) and almost 3 million children under 15 living with HIV
· Africa has the greatest proportion of children who are orphans.
· By 2010, the number of orphans will reach 42 million. Twenty million of these children - or almost 6 percent of all children in Africa - will be orphaned due to AIDS

Imagine the entire population of ALL PUBLIC SCHOOLS IN THE U.S. without parents to watch them, help them grow, show them right from wrong. I was challenged by this DVD I watched to take action, so, if you'll join me, I'd like to help some orphans directly through a ministry called AIDSbracelets.org

These bracelets are made by AIDS orphans and/or their caregivers. The suggested donation for each bracelet is $20. The funds gathered go to support four outstanding charities working specifically with AIDS orphans in Africa--Compassion, International Justice Mission, Opportunity International and World Vision

Post a comment here if you're interested in helping AIDS orphans. I can get you a bracelet; or if you'd like to order some to collect donations for yourself, you can do that at their website. Thanks.

1 comment:

L.L. Barkat said...

Do any of the funds go directly to the children or caregivers who make the bracelets? Curious.