Thursday, November 15, 2007

In Your Anger...

So my youngest daughter, Sophie, has a few issues with her temper and anger. She can really get frustrated by her sister, or me, or her missing toy. Since we know that this is true, we have been talking to her about it. It has the possibility of being something that she'll deal with all her life. So, we have been teaching her about how to handle her anger. We've talked about the verse from Ephesisians 4, "Be angry without sinning. Don't go to bed angry."

So Sophie, has found a way to deal with her anger in a healthy way on her own - she draws! When she gets mad, she'll head up to her room and make pictures of people crying, and write out her anger in words. When she got the consequence (from me) that she would have to go to bed early, SHE GOT TICKED! Yeah, the tantrum thing. When it came time for bed I found this note hanging outside her door:

She had put herself to bed. Okay, she got the first part of the verse right - don't sin. But she fell asleep on the don't go to bed angry part. Hey, we're all in process though! :)


Anonymous said...

Too Funny. Maddie left a "No Mom" note on her door this weekend. Such wonderfully expressive children!

Sarah (Koutz) Johnson said...

I remember being mad at my dad one night and telling him he couldn't give me a kiss good night. I still remember the look on his face and the tear in his eye. He calmly tucked me in and told me how much he loved me even if I did want a kiss. I don't know what he did when he left my room but I know I cried. I felt horrible for making my dad cry.

Sherry Ingle said...

I'm sorry but that is tooooo cute!!! Oh the joys of parenting...this too will pass!!

J Aquila said...

Dude - you're in the daddy dog house.

You're a much stronger man than I. If I would have seen that, I would have busted through the door and begged for forgiveness.

That - or stole some kisses.

Things like that sound weird after you write them.

Kristin Baker said...

Too cute. Cody and I are working with Lauren on the whining issue and trying to teach her to communicate in a calm happy voice what the problem is and think about the steps to solve it. So the other day when Cody raised his voice at her for disobeying him, he apologized for losing his temper, and she looked up at him and said "Good, because I was thinking in my mind 'Whoa, mister, you're gettin kinda loud over there!'"