Monday, January 28, 2008

Jack (Black) Attack!

I am proud to confess that Lisa and I are HUGE Jack Black fans! We are obnoxious quoters from "School of Rock". You might catch us saying "It's gonna test your brain, your head and your mind," or "Let's rock, let's rock today!" or possibly "I'll catch you guys on the flip flop..." - all School of Rock.

We're looking forward to a couple new flicks from the Man in Black this year. Coming Feb. 22, I'm looking to check out Be Kind Rewind. The website is here. Worth the click. Trust me.

Here's the trailer for those less adventurous:

Also, coming this summer (I saw this trailer on the Shrek the Third DVD) - Kung Fu Panda! I love the feel of this animation. It looks amazing. Dustin Hoffman, Angelina Jolie, Jackie Chan, and more.

I'm thankful that it seems like they're letting Jack be himself. Big mistake in Shark Tale to make him play someone else. A huge waste of his comedic talent. Anyway. Looking forward to what Jack will bring us!

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