Tuesday, April 10, 2007

The Orange Cometh

Just under a month and a group of people from GCC will be heading down to The Orange Conference put on by the reThink Group. Reggie Joiner, Lanny Donoho, and Sue Miller are the most notable from this organization. With just these three speaking it would have been amazing, but to add Donald Miller and Nancy Beach is just icing on the cake. A shout out to Lanny who emailed me on Easter morning just to say "hey". And yes, I will be reading God's Blogs (check out his new book, it looks very cool!)

It will be great to get together with leaders from all around the nation who are looking at what it means to put together ministry that will truly help families be the main disciplers of their kids. Let's face it. Again, we know that only so many hours are spent at a church, whereas tons of hours spent at home. How we train/partner with parents to disciple their kids is going to be the wave of the future.

I'm also looking forward to getting a chance to hang out with people I don't normally get to hang with. Our Youth ministry peeps: DC Curry, Judy Gregory, Johnny Keim, and (my man) Corey Mann. Also our Children's ministry crew: Georgia Fawcett, Amy Rembold, and Brian Davis (my roomate). My sense is that God is doing something cool to bring these youth ministry and children's ministry worlds together for discussion and ideas, not just on our team, but all across the nation. My prayer is for an explosion in Kingdom potential for the next generation. More as we get closer.


amberWIRE said...

You guys are going to have such a BLAST at that conference! Looks like an incredible group of GCCers are going.

Can't wait to read about it afterwards!

Kristin Baker said...

I'm jealous, you know, in a completely, non-covety, Christian kind of way . . .(cough, cough, clear throat, eyes shift) Anyway, take good notes! : ) The other day Lauren asked me how Jesus can live in her heart and up in the clouds at the same time and proceeded to ask if we could get on a plane to go visit him. It's comforting to know that Lauren will be raised in a church with people that know how to lead her to Christ even better than I can. (Phew!)
P.S. yes, "covety" is a word. I'm still an English teacher for two more months, we're allowed to make up words . . .