Monday, March 19, 2007

Alright, I Admit It

Okay. When I was like 7 and 8, I watched Little House on the Prairie with my grandma. And, I even LIKED IT! Well, looks like Laura (Melissa Gilbert) is going to be playing Ma in a new musical version of the show with Patrick Swayze (think Chipendale dancing with Chris Farley)as Pa. Hm. Check it out here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm 35 and watch it now. I wasn't a fan at 7 or 8 like you. It took 28 more years before it's simplicity and heart warming stories found their place in my heart.

In the course of 28 years, with all that I see, hear and read, that simplcity is a welcome retreat back to a simplier time where I could dislike someone because they were a candy-hoardin' spoiled-rotten twit and not because they propped the severed head of an 'infidel' as a token to their religious supremacy.

Here, Nellie, take my candy. You can have it all.