Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Guess Who's...

Yep, the birthday girl, Sophie, turned six yesterday!

And yes! She got a SWEET SET OF TAYE DRUMS!!! She is totally rockin' now! (Dad, may have to borrow them from time to time! :)) Really a family set as we try to give the VonTrapp family (think Sound of Music) a run for their Deutsch Marks. "The Hills are alive, with the sound of Vukmirovich..." I can hear it now... Okay, I can't.

It's hard to believe that our youngest is already SIX!!! We are so proud of her! The only unfortunate thing about her birthday was that THIS (see below) was what helped her get through the day...

Yeah, our girl has been sick. She made it through a half day of kindergarten, but then passed out at home. She was a trooper though!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The blue drumset is pretty snazzy!