Thursday, June 26, 2008

Watch Out For Snipers

Yesterday, I had a moment when things were going just great. Conversations were flowing. I could really sense the hand of God on my life. Then, IT HAPPENED! From completely out of the blue I was hit by sniper fire. There was literally a chink in my armor and the bullet penetrated.

Now, this wasn't really a gun or a bullet, but I got hit in a weak area of my life. No, this wasn't porn or major integrity issues (FYI), but it was an area that I can tend to get my feathers ruffled. I think this is how God works. When we ask (and I have been asking) Him to reveal areas of weakness, He doesn't just say "you should work on that". I think He helps send situations into our lives that help us grow. Often those areas are where we are most apt to: get angry over, covet, hide, rationalize, dismiss, etc. We need to ask Christ to help us "put on the FULL ARMOR" of God, so that in the moment we are prepared to resist. Training vs. Trying. Important.

Eph. 6:10 "Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armour of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post. I relate to it. Your comment about armor reminded me of a part in an Eldredge message about armor. If I think of the exact part or I find it in my library, I'll pass it on. Have a great weekend.