Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Arts Conference - Session 3 - Brian McClaren

Session 3 – Everything Must Change – Brian McClaren

Youth camp experience – giving the talk
- what issues are people in the church struggling with –
- what issues are people in the world struggling with

These lists are quite different.

Dunder Miflin – “Limitless paper for a paperless world.”

Church people put their energy towards the wrong list

8 millenium development goals – UN

Crisis 1: have prosperity – this is unsustainable – our environment can’t handle it.

Crisis 2: keep things equitable – some of us are getting prosperous so fast that many people are getting worse. A child born in Chicago is given 30-40 years due to where they are born. Where you live should not determine whether you live.

Crisis 3: Crisis of Peace – the hatred of the have’s and have not’s. The strong pull out their weapons rather than their compassion. Violence rules.

What is so unsettling about these issues?

Status quo Christianity makes people feel good about their own relationship with Jesus. Insulates us.

The poor you will have always. There should be no poor among you. Check out Deut. 15

We get the gospel backwards. Our theological systems are great at giving us the results we currently have. A backwards kingdom mentality begets a backwards ministry.

We need a both/and approach to the kingdom. Blessed to be a blessing. We receive the gospel so that we can become world changers. Pass it on.

Reframing our view of Jesus:

4 framing ideas in Bible:

Domination: Saducees, Herodians

Revolution: Zealots

Scapegoating: Pharisees – blaming on others

Isolation: Essenes – withdrew to the desert

God’s Kingdom

Don’t dominate: serve
Don’t get revenge: reconcile
Don’t scapegoat:
Don’t isolate: engage

Churches are to be:
- places of healing
- places of teaching- helping us to live the Jesus revolution

God cares about souls and bodies. Not a Gnostic God.
He is a God beyond time and IN time. (God with us – Emmanuel)

Trade As One – Fair Trade Marketing –

1 comment:

Corey Mann said...

what issues are people in the church struggling with –
- what issues are people in the world struggling with

These lists are quite different.

On the MONEY